What possibilities do you know are available, that you’ve never allowed to exist, that now can?.png

Meet The2Bowmans

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Chutisa and Steven Bowman are global business advisors, authors and speakers who have spent the past 30+ years working with many top society changing companies and entrepreneurs of our time.

The2Bowmans have devoted their career to inspiring people to challenge today’s certainties and consciously create a future of their choosing.

They are recognized worldwide as Pragmatic Futurists and “thought leaders” on:

  • Benevolent Capitalism and Benevolence@Work

  • Conscious Leadership for sustainable futures

  • Prosperity Consciousness and Business of Wealth Creation

  • Strategic Awareness and business transformation.

Chutisa Bowman

Pragmatic Futurist, author and speaker, Chutisa Bowman is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, prosperity consciousness and conscious leadership.

She draws on her background as a senior executive in listed companies, entrepreneur, executive adviser, media contributor, author and keynote speaker. Chutisa has devoted her career to inspiring people to challenge today’s certainties and consciously create a future of their choosing.

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Steven Bowman

Steven is a seasoned Board adviser, with a great depth of experience and skill facilitating Board reviews and strategic planning process. He has held numerous senior executive, CEO and Board positions with some of the USA and Australia’s most prestigious organizations, as well as authoring and co-authoring over 14 books on  governance, strategy, risk and executive leadership.

Acknowledged as a pioneer in the field of strategic awareness, Steven has built a reputation around the world as an adviser who empowers his clients by offering multiple perspectives on any given challenge.

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Our choice creates our reality.
We need to choose in order to see what’s possible.

Every choice you make creates a different possibility. Every time we choose something, we expand our capacity for choice.

What is possible that you haven’t even considered?

What would it look like if you were willing to be aware of all that?




Are You the Conscious Leader of Your Own Life?

A brief discussion of what is a Conscious Leader and what we can choose in our own lives. (1:45min)

True Wealth Is About Expanding Your Life

Some key questions to ask to expand your life and your finances. (2:00min)

"The Only True Reality is Change"

Benevolent Capitalism, Venice

Discussion About "Vision"

Benevolent Capitalism event in Venice

TV News Interview on "No More Business As Usual"

Sky News

Conscious Leadership Conference in Santa Fe

In The Media

Turning the hobby you truly enjoy into a thriving revenue generator can be one of the most exciting, generative and truly satisfying experiences…

Virtually everyone has a desire within them that they would like to achieve greater wealth, but many doubt whether they have the ability to achieve that desire…

What rich means for each person is different. In our minds, it’s a way of being and functioning in the world that is not about the money, but includes money…

Why are some women executives able to mix business and pleasure more successfully than others? They do it because they are able to achieve better integration between work and the rest of their life…

Generating sustainable wealth and a financial future while making the world a better place.  What could be more exciting, generative and satisfying? That is exactly the target of Benevolent Capitalism…

When you create a business with your spouse, you have amazing possibilities for an exciting and fun adventure like no other kind of business partnership. Understandably, operating a business with your life partner is not for every couple…

Are you truly loving what you do as well as loving the adventure of managing and running your own business? Doing what you love and knowing what you love to do is a good start…

Leading and operating a business can be rewarding and at the same time very challenging. Not adjusting to the new environment or simply being unaware of other possibilities accounts for many business failures…

“Why can’t we generate enough resources, including money?”“Why don’t we have the resources and revenue streams that are sustainable and more than we require?”

We live in perhaps the most stirring and electrifying economic period in our lifetime. New realities are happening. The way money may be generated and seized are changing…

With 41 years of marriage, endless global travel and a happy family life to boast about, Steve and Chutisa are rich in the gratitude, relationship and life experience stakes too. None of these things alone, however, define what it means to be rich to this dynamic couple…



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